Wednesday, June 9, 2010

And We're Off........

PhotobucketWe are currently just mere hours away from departing for our trip to Tennessee for Bonnaroo! We're all packed up and ready to PARTY........  We definitely need some time to cut loose!

On a completely other note........On May 31st I told you all that I thought AF had arrived.......It was light and only lasted 2 days but it had the makings of what seemed to be her arrival. Well today I have full blown bloating, cramps, severe lower backache, and some extremely faint pink spotting. Could this be AF? Wow, I have no idea! But I am armed to the teeth with AF gear should this be her actual arrival. Of course she would try to ruin my vacation huh? And she would torture me by showing up when I'll be camping for 4 days in the muggy heat with nothing but port o' potties and outdoor showers to comfort myself with. Oh well at least I can get jacked up on Midol and even indulge myself with a few adult beverages......DAMN it's been a long time!

Any who......I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their week and has a delightful weekend.


  1. Enjoy and let loose! You deserve it........

  2. AF needs to get a life and leave you alone!! Have a great time and enjoy yourself!!

  3. You're braver than me, you could't pay me to go to Bonnaroo these days. It's just a couple hours from me and everyone around here dreads the traffic. ha! Hope yall have a great time though. Trips are my kind of "medicine".

  4. Have fun in Manchester!

    I'm thinking Flo is on her Kudo's to you for being armed with Midol and all the other gear :) Maybe the worst will have passed by they time you get to TN.

    Hugs and enjoy those Beverages!!! You deserve this time to just "be"!


  5. Have such a great time this weekend, you totally deserve to just kick back and drink up!!



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